Our principal time of worship together is on Sunday mornings, the Lord’s Day, in order to celebrate and commemorate His Resurrection. These Sunday services follow the pattern, form of worship, and even some of the specific prayers that Christians have used throughout the centuries. Our “Book of Common Prayer” preserves these historic traditions while helping to nourish a living faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our purpose, whether through the traditional hymns in the Sanctuary or contemporary music in the Worship Center, is simple: to give glory to God through prayer, praise, song, and sacrament. We worship together with one another and all of heaven when we do so, hoping all who gather with us would find it a time of blessing, encouragement, and spiritual growth.

The Traditional Service preserves the liturgy and the hymns of classic Anglicanism, using the Book of Common Prayer and Hymnal 1982. This service, located in the Sanctuary, has a more formal feel and is accompanied by organ, choir, and bells.

The Contemporary Service, located in the Worship Center, uses these same prayers, but incorporates modern technology such as Power Point for a more contemporary feel. This service is accompanied by our Worship Team, including guitar, keyboards, bass, and drums.

We also have a regular Midweek Eucharist every Wednesday at 9:00am and Special Services throughout the year. Daily Morning Prayer and Compline are livestreamed on Facebook Monday through Friday, at 8:00am and 8:00pm respectively.
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