At Stephen’s, our mission statement “To Love and Serve God and Neighbor” is where the Great Commission and Great Commandment come together as we live as disciples of Jesus. Because of this, our intent is for each member of the parish to have a ministry in which they are involved. There are numerous types of ministries to choose from, and this section is intended to showcase those ministries that are offered. We are not limited, however, to what is listed here. St. Stephen’s is always open to new projects and new ministries! This is the place to find out what we do and how you too can be involved.
Several of our available ministries and their leaders are listed alphabetically:
Leader: Deacon Doug
Young people and adults who serve as crucifers, torch bearers and altar servers at the 9:00 a.m. service.
Altar Guild
Leader: Karen Spiller and Deacon Doug
Parishioners dedicated to preparing the altar for sacraments and all worship services.
Leader: Tom Hiber
Homemade bread is baked each month to be served at a homeless shelter meal, and for the monthly spaghetti dinner fundraiser for VBS. Bread and rolls are baked for parish events, and several varieties of cookies are baked and frozen for Sunday coffee time and other dessert times.
Beach Weekend
Leader: The Beach Weekend Committee
St. Stephen’s has a weekend at Cocoa Beach each May and everyone from the church is invited. We all stay at one motel, enjoy community meals and time together at the beach and pool. The Saturday night beachside church service might even include an ocean baptism! It’s a special weekend of fun and irreplaceable fellowship.
Buildings & Grounds
Leader: Steve Meyer
It is the responsibility of the Buildings & Grounds Group to ensure that our physical property, inside and outside, is kept in good repair, working condition and is neat and attractive. Those with technical skills are a part of the group and are asked to assist when necessary. Parish-wide Work Days are held several times a year.
Campus Development
Leader: David Dresser
This group meets regularly to plan and carry out the enhancement of the property through landscaping and design. Work days are held quarterly and the group is open to everyone.
Children’s Church
Leader: Tricia Walker
Children’s Church is held during the 11:00 Sunday morning service. It consists of a worship service geared to pre-K thru elementary age children, combined with singing, fun, and crafts. It is staffed by volunteers.
Leader: Charlie Bradford
The Cursillo Movement is “a short course in Christianity”. It consists of proclaiming the good news that God in Christ loves us, and enabling every person to encounter themselves in order to be able to encounter God and others. Those interested in the Cursillo Movement are encouraged to attend a Cursillo weekend offered by the Diocese of Central Florida. There is a large group of Cursillistas at St. Stephen’s who have attended Cursillo and meet on a regular basis to strengthen their walk with Christ.
Leader: Karen Beasley
Daughters of the King are a national order of lay women who commit to ongoing prayer and service.
Leaders: Fr. David, Fr. Rob, and Deacon Doug
Adult religious education consists of Bible studies and book groups led by various members of the congregation. Adult Sunday School on Sunday mornings from 10:00 to 10:50 a.m, and Wednesday classes at noon and 7:00pm.
Leader: Sue DeMan
Preschool through 5th grade Sunday School meets from 10:15 to 10:55 a.m. each Sunday morning. We use a fun and educational curriculum that teaches the Bible both in class, and with material to grow faith at home.
Education/Youth and Teens
Leader: Missy Sabine
Middle School and High School students meets from 10:15 to 10:55 a.m. each Sunday morning in the Youth Room. Our Youth learn about the Bible every Sunday, with special concentration on understanding Sunday’s Gospel.
Eucharistic Ministers and Lay Readers
Leader: Deacon Doug Jump
Parishioners trained to assist the priest at the altar during services, including those who read the First Lesson during church services.
Flower Guild
Leader: Mary Roach
A group that arranges fresh flowers and greens to adorn the altar for all services.
Leader: Marcia Heath, Carol Reynolds, and Sharon Crosdale
Provide food and host church events, outreach needs, and funeral receptions.
Lunch Bunch
Leader: Debbie Bradford
Seniors gather on the third Thursday of each month for fellowship, friendship, and food. Try a new restaurant with them every month!
Martial Arts
Leader: Fr. David Peoples
Building better people inside and out through Tang Soo Do, a classical Korean art form. Free classes for children (5:30-6:30pm) Monday nights in the Worship Center.
Music/Choir/Worship team
Leader: Susie Stewart
Those who wish to enhance our worship services through voice or instrument.
Newcomers Ministry
Leaders: Judy Horne
This group consists of people who have the gift of greeting newcomers to our church at both services on Sunday mornings. They follow up with welcome notes and information on the church.
Nursery for Infants and Toddlers
Leader: Rachel Workman
Our nursery is staffed each Sunday morning to provide loving care and comfort to little ones while their parents enjoy a church service. The nursery is fully equipped and workers receive appropriate training.
Outreach Ministry
Leader: Fr. Rob
This group coordinates and runs the programs designed for reaching out to those in need beyond our church property. These programs include, but are not limited to:
- Project Angel Tree (Christmas gift program for children of prisoners)
- Homeless Shelter Monthly Chili Meal (Made by volunteers and served at Talbot House Ministries)
- Hospital & Homebound Visitation
- Movita’s Ministry (In-gathering of toiletries for women’s shelters)
- Salvation Army Bellringers (Christmas time bell ringing at stores)
- Ingatherings for school supplies, the homeless, Parker Street Ministries, Porchlight Ministries, and many others
- Military Personnel Care Packages
- Driving for the homebound
Leader: Fr. Rob
Join other churches with Polk Ecumenical Action Council for Empowerment (PEACE) to advocate on behalf of community problems and encourage solutions through local elected leaders.
Prayer Chain
Leaders: All Parish Members
This ministry provides prayer needs via e-mail to those who wish to be notified in order to begin immediate prayer. It is open to those who will pray for others.
Leader: Fr. David
St. Stephen’s is the home and chartering organization for Boy Scout Troop 1006 and Cub Scout Pack 106, two large, historic scouting units. Boys from elementary through high school become men of integrity and purpose through fun activities, learning skills, camping, and leadership training. Sea Scouts offer high adventure trips for older teen boys and girls.
Sunday Coffee Time
Sign Up Sheet Available
Provide coffee and cookies in the parish hall on Sunday mornings. What is required: start coffee prior to 9:00 service, set up cookies and clean up after the 11:00 service. Volunteers serve only one Sunday per year.
Thursday Adult Fellowship
Just Show Up
Every Tuesday from 11 to 1pm people gather in the Parish Hall for fellowship and fun. While there’s almost always a game of Scrabble, you can also bring an activity of your own for others to join in.
Twelve Step/Addiction Recovery Groups
Contact the Office for specific days and times
Our Community Building hosts a variety of ongoing Twelve Step support groups, including AA and NA, nearly every night of the week.
Leaders: Mike Whitt (9:00) and Ken Horne (11:00)
Parishioners who assist prior to and during the services with bulletins, seating, offerings and during Holy Eucharist.
Vacation Bible School
Leaders: Karen Spiller and Lula Peoples
St. Stephen’s VBS is held each summer for one week and is free to any child who would like to attend. It is run by loving, devoted volunteers. Those who love children and love to have fun are encouraged to become a part of our VBS. The 1st Tuesday of each month, a spaghetti dinner is prepared by volunteers to fully fund our VBS.
Women’s Fellowship
Leader: Debbie Bradford and Judy Wilder
Periodic gatherings of the women for fellowship, food, and enrichment. This is open to all women of St. Stephen’s and their friends.
Worship & Liturgy
Leaders: Fr. David and Fr. Rob
Worship and Liturgy consists of those ministries that serve at and assist with our Sunday worship services at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Youth Group
Leaders: Lula Peoples and Missy Sabine
Youth Group meets Wednesday nights from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Youth Room. There are plenty of fun and games, but also worship, Bible study, and relationship building geared toward growing Middle and High Schoolers closer together and closer to Christ.