Our Parish

St Stephen’s is an Episcopal (Anglican) church, centered on Jesus Christ and committed to be His disciples. We are a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida and members of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Our faith is both ancient and new, with the timeless truths of the Bible and the Godly heritage of the apostolic Church alive and well in the lives of the saints of today. This is a church that:
• Believes the Bible to be the Word of God and contains all things necessary for salvation.
• Affirms the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds of the Church as statements of our orthodox faith.
• Administers the Sacraments Instituted by Our Lord.
• Recognizes the unbroken apostolic succession through the lineage of Bishops.

Like our patron, Stephen the deacon and first Christian martyr (Acts 6-7), it is our mission “To Love and Serve – God and Neighbor” with all that we have and all that we do.

The church isn’t made up of land or buildings, but the people the Lord has gathered there as the Body of Christ to worship Him and be the Light of Christ within this community. So we take the concept of the “parish” seriously–the old English system where the local church had a spiritual responsibility for EVERYONE in the area, whether they showed up on a Sunday or not.

We consider ourselves a parish family, and we gather together on Sundays and throughout the week in worship, prayer, praise, discipleship, and service. Because we strive to be good stewards of what God has entrusted us with, you will find a campus busy with activity in order to build faithful followers of Jesus, bless the community around us, and glorify the Lord “not only with our lips but in our lives” (Book of Common Prayer p.101).

Our Staff

The Reverend David B. Peoples

The Reverend David B. Peoples

Rector (pastor) of St. Stephen's

The Reverend Deacon Doug Jump

The Reverend Deacon Doug Jump


Charlie Bradford

Charlie Bradford

Parish Secretary

Susan Stewart

Susan Stewart

Director of Music

Cathy Zielinski

Cathy Zielinski


Lula Peoples

Lula Peoples

Youth Ministry Team

Missy Sabine

Missy Sabine

Youth Ministry Team

Tricia Walker

Tricia Walker

Children's Church

Sue DeMan

Sue DeMan

Sunday School Director

Marcia Heath

Marcia Heath


Mary Roach

Mary Roach

Flower Guild

Tom Hiber

Tom Hiber


Sharon Crosdale

Sharon Crosdale


David Dresser

David Dresser


Karen Spiller

Karen Spiller

Senior Warden

Major Kight

Major Kight

Junior Warden

Our Vestry

The 2020 Vestry via Zoom (top to bottom, left to right)
Karen Beasley (vestry secretary), Fr. David Peoples, Deacon Doug Jump,
Charlie Bradford, Steve Meyer, Liz Barham, Carol Reynolds,
Mike Whitt, Fr. Rob Moses, David Dresser, Missy Sabine,
Cathy Zielinski (bookkeeper), Linda Toalster (church secretary), Debbie Powell

Who is St. Stephen?

Click here to read the Biblical story from Acts 6-7 of Stephen: deacon, saint, and the first Christian martyr.

Ever wonder why our parish symbol is a cross with a red sash?

The sash represents a “deacon’s stole,” the symbol of the Biblical office of the deacon, the servant ministry of the church. We at St. Stephen’s always want to remember to be such servant ministers to God and Neighbor!